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Name: Dion van Ieperen & Kesho 

Residence: The Netherlands

Bike: Surly Ogre & Kolofogo Cargo Trailer (in the north), Frances cycles Farfarer Trailer (in the south).

Riding period: June to November (2022)

Most favourite part:

All of Sweden (except the mosquitos). The long sunny days, endless gravel roads, quietness, untouched nature, freedom of legal wildcamping and cozy shelters.

Riding along the French-Swiss border in the Jura in France.

The descent from Javalambre and cycling through the Sierra de Cazorla with its spectacular views in Spain.

Speaking for Kesho her highlights must be anything that included swimming: jumping in every lake in Sweden, running over the beach and dipping into the sea in Denmark, France and Portugal

Random thoughts: 

I’m glad we started from the north because without those first 5000 kilometers of ‘training’ we would’ve never made it through southern France and Spain.

Only bring a trailer if you’re willing to do some sections twice.

2 kilometers per hour is still progress (in the south)

With every patch my tubes must be getting stronger (after 19 punctures).

When you think it might be a bad idea, it will be a bad idea (after a bike swim in the ocean).

Everything may break, but as long as it’s not our spirit we’ll find a way to keep going (after all the mechanical bike problems).

I never expected a bike tour to be harder on my arms than legs (pushing the bike in the south)

1€ for each picture taken of Kesho in her trailer could have funded our whole tour.

Somehow help will always come when you really need it. People are awesome. A dog is the best trail partner in so many ways!


Dion and Kesho’s trips in pictures

1 thought on “FINISHER #12”

  1. bravo for keeping Kesho fed, warm and happy all the way..
    I don’ t have dog.. but I still want to try from Faro Portugal to France. I have travelled a lot by road bike for three month at a time with my tent.. no physically I am ok
    But I just got a mountain bike last year an old second hand one for my sixty fourth birthday . I ride on it regularly on gravel . but I am still a beginner. Mountain biker. Is there any section that I should avoid. Seeing that you did it with a trailer and a dog and sometimes push.. it seems ok. But is there very cliffy dangerous bits or nor really??
    Once more bravo to the both of you
    Mamie Mouche

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