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Name: Leonie Schüssler, Jan Tropschug 

Residence: Switzerland

Year of birth: 1980 / 1983

Bike: Wolke Cycles

Riding period: 1st Mai – 21st August 2023

Most favourite part: Sierra Segura, Montañas Vacías, Lüneburger Heide, Trails in Andalusia, Forests of the Vosges, North Lappland, Danish beaches, Swedish lakes 

Random thoughts: 

Cycling with a partner is living democracy.

Trust your own thoughts, make your own decisions. The trail is yours!

Moose – do they exist?

Enjoy your holidays! 

It’s not a race.

A dog that barks can bite.

What is worse: terrifying heat or torrential rain?

Where is the next bakery or bar?

Did we lube the chain?

Is there really another forest after the next forest?

Views, views, views – it’s all about the views.

Overwhelmed by hospitality.

Different cultures, different tastes.

Still a lot to discover in Europe.

Perfect greens done by robots, aka lawnmowers up north.

If you feel lonely, there’s a lawn mowing robot around each corner that keeps you company.

Learn from different cultures.

Check your gear!

Europe can be so empty and so crowded.

Up, up, up.

Speaking the local language helps – or just smile 🙂

Don’t talk to hangry people.

Bring your rain jacket.

Ticks don’t bark.

Nice fellow riders along the way.

Great cycling community on the EDT.

The silence of wilderness can be frightening.  

Birds in the morning are a delight. 

Should we stay or should we go?

European coffee culture is rich and full of surprises – as are the differences in the Haribo collection.

Who is this Andy?

Instagram: /

Leonie’s and Jan’s trip in pictures

2 thoughts on “FINISHER #21”

  1. Lieber Jan,
    Liebe Leonie!
    Tolle Reise,geniale Bilder.
    Ein Erlebnis das es so sicher kein zweites Mal gibt!
    Liebe Grüße Claudia

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