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Name: Emma McCosh / Debbie Chambers

Residence: Taupo, New Zealand

Year of birth: 1978 / 1967

Bike: Santa Cruz Highball

Riding period: April 7th – June 17th 2024 (South to North)

Most favourite part:

The entire journey through Europe with its tapestry of trails and ever changing way of culture, village structure and life was eye opening.

We loved the whole southern section . It was more rugged, more physically challenging and offered huge contrasts. 

The Portugal coastline and its white and terracotta houses 

The vastness of the Spanish Olive country, wine regions as well as the many castles especially those on mountain tops. The gorgeous little villages and walled cities, with rich history and of course the remote mountain tops  

The Jura with it’s amazing pastries 

Denmarks network of cycle friendly huts and grassed roof houses 

Sweden’s lakes, forests and remote wilderness 

The emotion of arriving in Norway and the landscape changing so dramatically was wonderful. Suddenly there were views for miles, we’d been released from the forests of Sweden and Finland 

Random thoughts:

-You’ll never regret having high quality lightweight gear. 

– Why are there so many slugs in Denmark?

– We can handle most things when bike packing but when you combine rain with bog and mosquitoes and midgies sometimes it’s too much !

-The whole journey is doable on a gravel bike but far more comfortable and enjoyable on a MTB. 

-If you hate on the trail, take a day off, eat more or ride less for a few days. The whole trail offers something to learn from, be wowed at or give you a sense of living. 

-The way a journey like this enhances the senses is so wonderful. At times terrible but mostly only wonderful. You can smell the rain before it comes (or roadkill), sense a town is coming, feel someone’s presence before you see them, be overwhelmed by noise and crowds in towns/supermarkets!

-Have faith in the trail, it will take you somewhere incredible soon! Take the good with the bad and be thankful for the chance to take part in the journey.

-A shower, a comfy bed and a good meal can bring tears to your eyes 


Emma & Debbie’s trip in pictures

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